Board of Directors nomination

Join the Board of Directors of WCUW
Are you interested in helping WCUW? Would you like to join the Board of Directors? Among other things, the Board establishes the general policies and procedures, short and long term goals, and all priorities of the station. (You can read more about this in the bylaws.)

What are the qualifications to be nominated?

  • be a current General Member in good standing for thirty (30) days;
  • endorse the mission of WCUW and share the values which it represents;
  • complete the Board nomination form;
  • read the bylaws and the WCUW mission statement;
  • review the meeting minutes for the year preceding nomination;
  • know how to locate public documents (Form 990, Articles of Organization) of the station;
  • agree to attend as much as feasible all Board meetings, understanding that missing more than two consecutive meetings means possible removal from the Board as set forth in these bylaws;
  • keep current on WCUW by reading the program guide and listening to as many programs as possible;
  • commit to four (4) hours a month volunteering at WCUW, including Board meetings, committees, outreach, office work, events and fundraising;
  • commit to assisting with all fund drives, including on and off-air;
  • commit to being an active member on at least one Board committee;
  • refrain from using Board affiliation or authority for personal gain or to influence or promote anything other than WCUW, nor for personal gain or influence within WCUW; and
  • agree that the Board shall have no direct or indirect influence over WCUW’s on-air programming.


Elections for the Board will be held Wednesday, October 30, 2024. If you are interested in being on the Board, please complete the form below by Friday 11:59 PM Oct. 22nd, 2024. You can also download a pdf of the form, and follow the instructions there to submit it.