
Did you know that more than 70% of the money that keeps WCUW 91.3 FM on the air comes from people like you?

Donate to WCUW or become a member from the comfort of your home. Any amount is appreciated. We offer PayPal as it is SAFE, SECURE and FAST.

Membership to WCUW 91.3 FM is only $50, or $25 for seniors and students. WCUW Supporters include anyone making a donation to the station of any amount. We are grateful to all. Your contribution is the lifeline that keeps WCUW moving into the future and the WCUW Member Card working as a tool serving you.

You can also get your name on the glass block wall in our new Harold Stevens Gallery at WCUW! See here for more details.

Below is a listing of current member perks:
– Receive a “dollar-for-dollar donation discount” on your first rental of the WCUW Frontroom. We’ve made some really nice improvements to our gallery, performance space, and all throughout the WCUW premises, with safe-distancing and comfort in mind. WCUW is an ideal environment for 35-50 people.
– Members receive a $3 discount on most Frontroom concerts and films.
– Two for one admission to the Worcester Arts Museum (except for uniquely ticketed events).
– 10%  discount at Union Music on retail sales; excludes consignment, sale items, lessons, and repairs.
– Vote on the members of the board of directors at our next annual meeting.

You may donate using a bank card or your PayPal account, if you have one. A PayPal account is not required, and your personal information is only exchanged between PayPal and your bank. Just follow the correct links after submitting your selection.

Or instead, if you want to, make a pledge by mailing the membership and pledge form with your check.

You have several methods to make an online donation or create/renew a membership with WCUW.
 – Donate: is used for one-time transactions like a donation or a membership fee. You have the option at checkout time to make this a recurring donation.
 – Subscription/Recurring Donation Plans allow a person to schedule a monthly automatic donation at a preselected amount.
 – Membership Installment Plans offer multi-payment plans with payments distributed over four months.

Ask your employer if they will match you contribution to WCUW!

If you prefer, you may instead download and print the membership and pledge form and return it with your check by mail to the station.

Make an instant, one-time donation, of any amount.
Upon checkout, you will be offered the option of making your donation recurring.

Monthly Auto-Donation
What is your favorite Program?

Subscription/Recurring Donation Plans
This allows you to set up a monthly, recurring donation of several different pre-selected amounts.

Membership Installment Plans
This offers multi-payment plans of selected different amounts, with payments distributed over four months.

An individual membership is $50 and gets you all the membership rewards and privileges mentioned above. This installment plan is $20 initially (billed as two separate transactions), then $10 per month for three months - for a total of $50.
A family membership is $75 and gets you, and an additional member of your family, all the membership rewards and privileges mentioned above. This installment plan is $30 initially (billed as two separate transactions), then $15 per month for three months - for a total of $75.
Love WCUW? You can show it by becoming a WCUW Lover. Donate $40 initially (billed as two separate transactions), then $20 per month for three months, for a total of $100. All membership benefits are included.
Join the club- the WCUW Club! Donate $100 initially (billed as two separate transactions), then $50 per month for three months, for a total of $250. All membership benefits are included.
Seniors and students can become a member of WCUW for $10 initially (billed as two separate transactions), then $5 per month for three months. Your total donation is $25.

Make a pledge online or by returning the membership and pledge form with your check.

WCUW 91.3FM – programming for and by the people of the local community.

On behalf of our 80+ volunteers, the WCUW Board of Directors and myself, Troy Tyree, thank you so much for helping to keep WCUW’s insightful news and public affairs programs, as well as the nearly 1,400 songs that we broadcast each and every week, on the air and the web! Do not hesitate to reach out to me directly if you should ever have an issue with your membership. And when we open again, ask for a personal tour of your community radio station.

WCUW, Inc is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Our Federal ID is 23-7247980